your story is worth telling

your Story on Video.

Your Story
In Photos.

Our Story

My name is Randall Shuptrine and together with my wife, Nicole, we are Shuptrine Studios. I am a video producer, editor, storyteller, interviewer and photographer with over 35 years’ experience. We are truly passionate about capturing stories on video and photo.

I have worked for HGTV, A&E, The Discovery Channel, The Food Network, DIY Network, The Travel Channel, The History Channel, Lifetime, The Biography Channel, Home Depot, Wayfair, and numerous documentaries. I've had the privilege of working with Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Bobby Flay, Hal Holbrook, Jessica Tandy, Hume Cronyn, Beth Holloway, and more.

After a major illness several years ago, we decided we wanted to refocus our business more on capturing what will really last, the spirit of people.

Facing the reality of the frailty of life really puts things in perspective. You think you’ll never forget all the details that make life beautiful… but then realize how easily memory fades.

So that’s why we’re here now… to create memory heirlooms for your family, your work, your life.

Everyone has a story to tell.

Our passion is to create high end legacy videos that preserve your families story.

Video captures the sound of a voice, unique mannerisms, facial expressions… all adding such meaning to the memories.

We’d be honored to help you see your story come to life!

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